General Hints and Tips
- Making moves
Moves can be made by tapping the
'from' square and then the 'to' square or by dragging.
- Swap sides / move
If it is your turn to move this
command will start ChessGenius thinking. If ChessGenius is
thinking it will force ChessGenius to make its move now.
- Take back, Step forward
< Take back
> Forward
Take back all
Forward all
Forward 10 moves
Note: Take back reverses a single move so has the effect of
changing sides. To avoid changing sides take back
twice. Note: Step forward steps a single move so has
the effect of changing sides. To avoid changing sides step
forward twice.
- Clocks
The chess clocks show time as
minutes:seconds or hours;minutes. Note the ':' or ';' If the
playing level is set to 'Game in ..' the clocks count down to
show the remaining time. When time has run out '--:--' is
displayed. If the playing level is changed mid game the clocks
are set to appropriate times.
- Championship
The "Championship" smiley is displayed
if you have not used Hint or Next best, Taken back moves or
viewed the analysis. Can you beat ChessGenius without help?
- Next best move
After ChessGenius has played a move
"Next best move" will force ChessGenius to take back its last
move and compute the next best move. This is useful for forcing
ChessGenius to play a particular opening and for analysing
- Landscape display
Rotate your device to play in
landscape mode.
New Game and Chess Options
Tap the menu icon then select New game or Chess
- Playing Level
Choose one of the 33 different playing levels.
- 13 easy levels. ChessGenius makes deliberate mistakes.
- Ten time based levels. Move instantly, Move in 1 sec...
ChessGenius will take on average the specified amount of time to
think about each move. (The longer it thinks the better it
- Ten Blitz levels. Game in 1 min, 2 min,... The Chess Clocks
count down in these levels. ChessGenius will play the entire game
in the specified amount of time. (The longer it thinks the better
it plays)
- Players
Analyze game. This is like Two player but ChessGenius thinks and
shows its thinking on the screen. Useful for playing over
- Permanent brain
If 'On' ChessGenius will calculate whilst waiting for your move.
ChessGenius will play stronger but battery life will be
- Tutor
If 'On' ChessGenius will warn if you make a weak move and give
the option of taking it back. Useful for beginners..
- Sounds
Switch off to prevent sounds when ChessGenius moves.
Display Options
Tap the menu icon then select Display options
- Big board
Chose between two board sizes. Small board allows more space for
move record and analysis.
- Turn board
View board from other side.
- Board color
Choose one of six board colors
- Piece set
Choose between 5 styles of chess pieces.
- Board style
Choose between 3 styles.
- Analysis
The Analysis shows the thinking process of
ChessGenius It can be off, score only, score and search
depth and line of best move. It can also show the number of
positions searched and positions searched per second.
- Show legal moves
If 'On' ChessGenius will show
legal moves. Tap on a piece to see where it can move to.
- Show last move
If 'On' ChessGenius will show the
last move that it made.
- Sounds
Switch off to prevent sounds when
ChessGenius moves.
Save + load game
Tap the menu icon then select Save + load game.
The current database is displayed below the page title
- Save game
Save current game to database. Game
details can be entered.
- Load game
A list of all games in the current
database is displayed. Tap on a game to preview it and then load
or delete it.
- Load next game
After a load game this loads the
next game from the database.
- Select database
A list of all pgn databases that
belong to ChessGenius is displayed and you can choose one
- New database
Create a new empty database.
- Import database from OneDrive
ChessGenius can
import a .pgn database from your OneDrive/Documents folder
- Export database to OneDrive
ChessGenius can export
the current pgn database to your OneDrive/Documents folder. We
recommend that you use this command to backup any important pgn
- Rename database
Option to rename the current
- Delete database
Option to delete the current
Setup position
Tap the menu icon then select Setup position
- Tap the menu icon to see additional setup commands like Clear
board, New board and change side to move.
- To add a piece first select the piece type from the
additional piece box.
- To clear a square select the empty box from the additional
piece box.
- The castling and en passant status and move number can be set
after a legal position is setup. Select OK "✔".
- You cannot exit with Ok "✔" unless the position is
- Cancel "X" returns to the position before Setup was